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Kanji Detail for 淑 - "graceful, refined, gentle"

  • Meaning

    淑 means "graceful, refined, gentle."

    1. Good - Refers to having a positive quality or being virtuous.

    2. Refined - Having a high degree of sophistication and elegance.

    3. Kind - Having a gentle and considerate nature.

    4. Dignified - Having a sense of honor and respectability.

    5. Pure - Being free from impurities or contamination.

    6. Serene - Having a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere.

    7. Beautiful - Having a pleasing and attractive appearance.

    8. Improve - To make better or more acceptable.

    9. Approve - To express approval or agreement.

    10. Admire - To regard with respect and admiration.

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  • She's every bit an english lady.

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