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Kanji Detail for 挺 - "support, brace, counter, withstand"

  • Meaning

    挺 means "support, brace, counter, withstand."

    1. Stand Out - To stand out from the crowd in a remarkable way.

    2. Emerge - To come out or appear from a place or situation.

    3. Outstanding - To be exceptionally good or of a high quality.

    4. Extract - To remove or take out something from a larger whole.

    5. Draw Out - To pull something out from a place or situation.

    6. Straight - To be in a direct and upright position.

    7. Straighten - To make something straight or in a direct and upright position.

  • Onyomitip
  • Kunyomitip
  • Strokestip
  • Radicaltip

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